What is OAM?
What is OAM? For the past 10 years, OAM has been a system focused on the best parts of pageantry! OAM has always focused more on the queen and less on the crown. Working to reward hard work, talent, excellence, confidence, and determination OAM loves watching dreams come true every year on our stage!
Oustanding American Miss National Pageant is a weekend event. This national event is a family-friendly, confidence-boosting, experience-gaining pageant focused on having fun, being yourself, and awarding outstanding young women working to make a difference. This weekend event has limited entry spots and is known as one of the most laid-back, fun, and yet competitive systems! So, get ready for a non-stop empowering weekend packed with competition and fun!

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Are you OAM?
Are you confident, involved, motivated, and a leader? Have you always wanted to shine on stage and celebrate all that’s great about being a girl? If so, we want you to join us for the National Outstanding American Miss Pageant! Girls from all over America are invited to compete in this new and exciting pageant experience!
Is there a contract?
Yes and no! Neither the national delegates nor the national queens are restricted in competing in other systems or holding titles, however, there are specific duties the national queens must perform to hold that title. Things like community service, appearances, and returning for the following year's national pageant.
Who can compete?
Anyone! There is an age group that will work for you! The only requirement at this time is you reside in the state you represent and you uphold the ideals and vision of OAM!
How much does it cost?
Nationals cost will be one flat rate and anything else you would like to do for pageant weekend is optional! This includes the National Delegate Program. You are not required to have a crown and banner for the national pageant but you may enroll in the national delegate program and you will receive a crown and banner to represent your city, region, or state!
Does this pageant judge things like facial or physical beauty?
No! OAM doesn’t judge how you look if you have glasses, braces, or blemishes! It’s all a part of growing up! Girls under 13 are not allowed to wear any makeup and will be deducted if they do! Girls who are permitted to wear makeup should go for a natural look! We are looking for outstanding young ladies who shine just the way they are!
Do I need professional training or expensive clothes to win?
No! You can wear whatever you love best as long as it follows the guidelines for that area of competition. The most important part of whatever you wear is how it fits so make sure everything has a great professional fit!
How do I get started?
Click the tab to fill out our application! When you get accepted you can make your first payment for Nationals!