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Optional National Delegate Program


What is the cost? 

Get your national delegate crown and banner for only $100! 



Contestants who are going to compete at Nationals can enroll in the new optional national delegate program. These state and regional titles allow girls to enjoy a year of representation before the national pageant! National delegates will receive a custom Outstanding American Miss crown and banner! This program is not required, nor is having a sash and crown to compete at the national pageant, but this is a great way to spend your year preparing for the national pageant! Check out our social media for some great images of girls out in the community! 


There are a few steps to enroll:

  1. Apply and be accepted for the national pageant

  2. Fill out the National Delegate form

  3. Pay your entrance fee and National Delegate fee!

  4. Receive your crown and banner in the mail and start your year!


Your title is not secured until you pay your entrance fee and order your crown and banner.

Princess 4-6     Young Miss 7-9      Jr Miss 10-12       Jr Teen 13-15      Teen 16-19      Miss 20-25   Ms/Mrs 26+
* Ages are as of January 1st
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