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40% interview

Each contestant will be interviewed one-on-one with each judge. These will be questions about you, not political, religious or quiz-type questions. Judging will be based on eye contact, poise, personality, and self-confidence. We are looking for the girl with the best overall impression, someone who is happy, smiling and genuine. Don’t memorize or “program” your answers! We want an all-natural girl! During this time they will get to know you and see how outstanding you really are!



30% introduction

Each contestant will introduce herself to the panel of judges! Each contestant will be judged on personality, confidence, and poise. Your introduction will be no more than 30-seconds but shorter is fine! You can include your name, your hobbies, and what you want to peruse someday! You will be timed so make sure you’re not too long! You will be wearing your interview outfit for this part of the pageant

20% Evening Gown

Ready for your moment alone in the spotlight? You will sparkle and shine during the preliminary evening gown competition! Modeling your dream gown in the spotlight of a national quality stage! You will be judged on your poise and presentation in that beautiful evening gown! Make sure it is age-appropriate! No professional modeling is required! You will learn the needed steps and stage layout before your competition! You will be judged on your poise and personality so remember to smile!

10% Meet Me! Modeling

To get the final pageant kicked off we will start with a runway fashion show! This high-energy show will introduce you to the audience and judges during the final pageant! You will model this and all judging will take place Sunday in the final pageant. You will get to show who you are as you model an age-appropriate outfit of your choice for the opening production number.

Princess 4-6     Young Miss 7-9      Jr Miss 10-12       Jr Teen 13-15      Teen 16-19      Miss 20-25   Ms/Mrs 26+
* Ages are as of January 1st
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